Dexio was created by Michael Jewell, an experienced trader and skilled coach. He has put together all of the training offered and is also who you will work with on one-on-one coaching.
Expert Trader. Committed Coach.
Michael has held roles outside the capital markets; however, his passion has always remained to develop an intimate understanding between buyers & sellers. Throughout his journey, Michael has made every mistake one could possibly imagine trying to find that ‘perfect’ system. He has studied many of the same indicators that you may be familiar with; MACD, moving averages (BTW, there are more than a dozen variations of moving averages – how could you possibly know which one is more accurate?), Bollinger bands, relative strength index, tick charts, dark pool index & the list goes on…FOREVER!!!
After many years of frustration, he started to focus on why price behaves a particular way. That simply began the journey of learning what truly matters – price action!
With now more than two decades worth of frustration, Michael wants to share with you what he has learned & ultimately leading to financial freedom. A world where no indicators are needed. Finally, a system that promotes risk management. (If you have ever got the “trading bug”, you will know that capital preservation & risk management are number one!!!) Unfortunately, never taught.